St George Church in Guria was built in the first quarter of the 17th century by order of Mamiya Gurieli. The Church is located to the East of the river Sarafina, in that village, which today is called Cachedany. From historical sources it is evident that Cachedany, a member of the Gurian princedom was one of the richest and most comfortable villages. Here are buried members of the Gurieli family: son of Mamiya’s Gurieli and his mother, Athabasca daughter, Queen Tinatin.
The book donation that mamia Gurieli passed the Jerusalem Patriarch, describes the construction of Chekanski Church. It says that after the death of his son, Gurieli decided to build a Church. Patriarch Theophanes of Jerusalem blessed the place of the future Church. After the construction was completed, Gurieli gave the Church an icon, a cross, books and other Church supplies. Patriarch Theophanes in Chekanski of the Church of the blessed Metropolitan of Alania Gabriel.
Chekansky the Church at that time was a great cultural centre and belonged to the Jerusalem Patriarch. Over time Chervonskaya Church were ruthlessly destroyed. In 1999, with the blessing of Bishop Dimitry of Batumi-schalt, the Church was restored. Today there is a monastery.
St George Church in Guria
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