The archaeological collection of Kaspi local history museum is based on the materials of excavations carried out in Kaspi, Rene, Metekhi. There are artifacts related to the middle and late bronze age, early iron (III – I Millennium BC), there are also exhibits related to antiquity and the middle ages. There are materials related to the Trialetic culture (mainly the first half of the II Millennium BC) – ceramics found in mounds, samples of clothing (XIV-XII centuries BC), harness, axes, tips (XIII-VII centuries BC). Antiquity: a silver disc found in the village of Sasireti (III century BC), a bronze statuette of Dionysus (God of winemaking) (III-II BC), oichonias (ceramic vessels) (I century ad). The middle ages are represented by various ceramic utensils.
Opening hours: 09: 30-17: 30. Day off: Sunday, Monday
Kaspi Local History Museum.
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