Mtskehta-Mtianeti is modern administrative region in a very center of Tbilisi. Mtskheta is capital and the biggest city. Occupies several Georgian historian districts such as: Ertso-Tianeti, Mtiuletim Khevi, Khevsureti, Pshavi and west part of Inner Kartli. Total square is 6785km2 and population is 105200.
- Mtskheta – the city of Georgia, while inflowing Aragvi and Kura rivers and is administrative center of Mtskheta-Mtianeti region. City is located several km to the north of Tbilisi, populations is 7423.
- Dusheti is the city of Georgia, located 33km to the north of railway station of Mtskheta and 7km far from Military-Georgian road, populations is 7.1 thousand person.
- Stepantsminda is city type suburb of Georgia, center of Kazbegi municipality. Kazbegi is climate-balneological resort and is located 165km to the north of Tbilisi and 43 km to the south of Vladikavkaz. Suburb is locate in the central part of Greater Caucasus, to the hill bottom of mountain Kazbeg at 1744m. Population is 1850 persons.
- Tianeti is city type suburb, center of Tianeti region. Located on river Iori, inflowing in Mingechauri Water Reservoir, located 79km to the north of Tbilisi.
- Leningor – city type suburb of Transcaucasia, loated on the bank of Ksani river (Kura influx), on the west slope of Alevi ridge, at 800m above sea level. Populations is 2400
Mtskheta-Mtianeti Fortresses:
- Armazi Fortress
- Zedazeni Fortress
- Ananuri Fortress
- Arsha Fortress
- Bochorma Fortress
- Dzalisi Fortress
- Mutso Fortress
- Sno Fortress
- Tsitsamuri Fortress
- Shatili Fortress
- Ksani Fortress
- Mukhrani Fortress
- Anatori Ruins
Mtskheta-Mtianeti Monasteries
- Bethlemi cave
- Jvari Monastery
- Zedazeni Monastery
- Nadokra Monastery
- Samtavro Monastery
- Gergeti Trinity Church
- Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
- Bodorna Temple
- Antioch Church
- Shio Mgvime Monastery
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